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Then she moved towards cupboard and bent there to find something. This gesture made her saree totally lose and her saree fall off. She even didn’t try to lift it back.Now I can see her ass very clearly. Because of her bent, her vagina was pressing against her panty and made the view of her ass hotter. I took a photo of that moment. She was continuing to find something there. A small movement of her ass was making me crazier. But I controlled myself.I needed to adjust my penis that time. I stood up to do it and while I was adjusting it, she turned back with a huge dildo. She saw me while my hand was in my pant. I removed it fast like was nothing. But she noticed and she walked to me slowly while playing with dildo in her hand.That moment, I can’t explain. She came to me and looked at me for a while. Then put that dildo over my pant and compared it with my penis over the pant. She didn’t try to touch mine. But she touched mine with that dildo. She stood up to bring her face closer to. Oh! Oh! Oh! she cried, as the climaxed chained together and her female juice squirted out of her. She screamed in pleasure, and still her orgasms did not stop. Her climaxes were followed quickly by the others. The woodcutter shuddered and moaned and grunted, and gave a few last, deep thrusts into her ass, spilling his seed into her. Then the Wolf yelped, and stopped fucking her suddenly, and the knot at the base of his dick expanded to a huge size that throbbed all through Reds cunt. She sobbed and cried as she kept cumming, and her orgasms were joined by the Wolfs. Red-hot jets of cum erupted from his cock and flooded her with his semen and he howled in pleasure, holding the girl firmly down on his dick. At last, all of them spent, they fell asleep in an awkward circle on the cold ground. When Red awoke, it was twilight. She looked around her for signs of the Wolf, and the woodcutter, but they had gone. Dazed, she looked down at herself, only to find that all her clothes were intact.
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